Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Book Publishing

This whole idea of publishing my novel is surreal.  I think in the back of my mind, I figured I'd never finish it (or truly move forward with it), so it just seems downright crazy.  Emil's more excited than I am, and he's completely supportive and proud.  What a good egg.

The book is now in the hands of two Beta readers.  I wonder if they'll look at me differently after reading it...some of the info in the book is true!  Maybe they'll be appalled at my writing, overuse of commas, or be aghast at my character's judgement.

I'm trying not to be overwhelmed with the prep work.  My dedication, acknowledgement page, and bio are drafted.  On deck, I need to write a book description, contact a graphic designer for the book cover, research book covers (a trip to Barnes and Noble with my handy iPhone to take pics of favorite covers), contact a local photographer to do my author photo, and maybe schedule a haircut!  Oh yeah...and write out a marketing plan.

I've also read several articles, taken notes, and chosen a publisher to self-publish.  This morning, I created a spreadsheet to capture expenses.  Future Best Day Ever:  Creating a spreadsheet to capture the number of books sold to put towards a cute Mini Cooper for me.  I will name it Mini Cooper Fund.

For now, I'm saving money for book expenses and working on a goal.  It's not going to be quantity of books sold or good reviews.  I'm leaning towards something else...more thoughtful and meaningful.

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