Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Miscellaneous News

Llamas:  Sad to report that Nitro became sick before we left and had to be put down.  He was 17 years old, and we miss him!  I already had a reserved spot for them on our Christmas card.  Since llamas are social animals, Santana went to live down the street with some fellow llamas.

The drive here: Want to take a scenic road trip?  How about 2760 miles to Redmond from Anchorage?  I can tell you where all the good rest stops and hotels are along the way.  Seriously, if you want to come visit, please do!  We can hit Deschutes Brewery or the other seven breweries in Bend.  I will also let you collect eggs twice a day from the chickens. 

Finally, I want to share the best video ever with you all.  My best friends in Anchorage made it for me as a parting gift.  Please click on the link below to view.

It's funny, sweet and so creative!  Enjoy!

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