Christmas is here!
That's what it feels like when I gaze out the window since we received about four inches of snow a few days ago. A white Christmas. What a great way to celebrate our first winter in Bend!
We selected the perfect size tree for our little home. Many thanks to my Mother for sending some of her and my favorite ornaments. She passed down two of my favorite...a small fabric green and white mouse and an egg wrapped in a ribbon. Both have my name and date on it. My all-time favorite is a pair of ice skates made from red and green felt.
Both of my fav ornaments are hung. Can you spot them? |
We're really looking forward to some downtime. I know I said that at Thanksgiving, but with Emil working six days a week, we hardly see each other and spend any time together. On Christmas Eve, we're playing a uke gig at the community center for a group of seniors. It's going to be quite festive with some Christmas songs and golden oldies (referring to songs, not the people).
We're also going to a church downtown for Christmas Ever service, and I love seeing all the kids excited and smiling. I'll miss going to church with my family. Hopefully, we can gather together next year for the holidays especially if we have really good news to rejoice!
So, that leaves Christmas Day...pajamas, football, not getting off the couch except to throw the turkey in the crockpot, and talking on Skype with my family. Sounds perfect to me.
In the meantime, we have friends coming to town! Brian and Tara! I haven't seen them since...hmmm...well before they ran off and eloped in Thailand. They're traveling across the U.S. as part of their delayed honeymoon, celebrating with friends and family. It's a short visit here, so I wonder how many brewery visits we can squeeze in. Plus a visit to Sparrow Bakery for an ocean roll, lunch at Jackson's Corner, a Captain Jack Sparrow sammy at Brother Jon's, pizza at 10 Barrel, Smith Rock, breakfast at The Victorian Cafe or Chow or McKay Cottage, coffee at Strictly Organic, a walk along the Deschutes River, happy hour at 900 Wall, and a hike up Pilot Butte. I haven't even factored in time for uke lessons and a sing-along. Phew.
Hope your Christmas shopping is all done! Most of mine was done before December...yes, I'm just like my Mother. Except she had her shopping done and wrapped by Thanksgiving. I'm not that good. Every year, there's one gift I'm particularly excited to give....this year, it's super cute arm warmers for my niece. They are absolutely adorable!
I'm hoping Santa will bring me a kitty! An older senior kitty, short-hair, orange or grey, likes to lounge on laps, litter box trained, and friendly.